Noncommutative analysis on groups and quantum groups

Noncommutative analysis is a new research direction emerging from operator spaces, quantum probability and noncommutative harmonic analysis. It revolves around notions of multipliers. Fourier and Schur multipliers are at the intersection of these areas and play a key role in recent research motivated by concepts and problems from operator algebras and geometric group theory. They are natural examples of maps on noncommutative Lp-spaces and intimately linked with noncommutative functional inequalities. They are also used to formulate geometric properties (weak amenability, Haagerup property) of groups and quantum groups in terms of von Neumann algebras. Interactions between different approaches at the frontiers of noncommutative analysis have given impressive discoveries. 

The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers in the fields described above in order to stimulate exchanges of expertise and ideas, to encourage the circulation of open problems and to deepen the synergies between these different directions, finally to reach a new level of development by joining competences of researchers in these competitive fields.


The conference will take place in Besançon on December 18 - 21, 2023.

 The list of titles and abstracts.


Main speakers

  1. Rajarama Bhat – Peripheral Poisson boundary
  2. Martijn Caspers – A noncommutative Calderón-Torchinsky theorem
  3. Léonard Cadilhac - Non-commutative covering lemmas
  4. Benoı̂t Collins – Extensions of quantum de Finetti theorems and operator valued Martin Boundaries
  5. Matthew Daws – Approximation properties and averaging for Drinfeld doubles
  6. Guixiang Hong – From the spherical maximal inequalities to a local smoothing estimate on quantum Euclidean
  7. Marius Junge – From harmonic analysis to Hamiltonian simulation
  8. Louis E. Labuschagne– Fredholm properties of Toeplitz operators on group algebras
  9. Edward McDonald – Differentiation and Lipschitz estimate in Lp -spaces for p < 1
  10. Javier Parcet – The local geometry of idempotent Schur multipliers
  11. Eric Ricard – Some maps on free products
  12. Roland Speicher – Universality of free random variables
  13. Simeng Wang– Proper cocycles, measure equivalence and Lp -Fourier multipliers
  14. Lian Wu – The sharp weighted maximal inequalities for noncommutative martingales
  15. Runlian Xia – Amalgamated free products and HNN extensions are the two fundamental objects in the Bass-
    Serre theory


Further speakers

  1. Ali Bagheri – Agebraic tools of von Neumann algebras
  2. José M. Conde-Alonso – Pseudodifferential operators over Schatten classes and group algebras
  3. Guillaume Dumas - Regularity of matrix coefficients of symmetric Gelfand pairs of Lie groups
  4. Takahiro Hasebe – Generators of monotone convolution hemigroups on the unit circle
  5. Claus Koestler – Distributional invariance principles for Jones-Temperley-Lieb algebras
  6. Christoph Kriegler – The harmonic oscillator on the Moyal-Groenewold plane
  7. Anna Kula – Lévy–Khintchine decomposition for convolution semigroups of states II
  8. Martin Lindsay – Lévy–Khintchine decomposition for convolution semigroups of states I
  9. Hugues Moyart - Interpolation of non commutative Hardy spaces
  10. Kanat Tulenov – Sobolev projection on quantum torus and its complete boundedness
  11. Hua Wang – A revisit of reconstruction of quantum groups
  12. Janusz Wysoczansk – Weakly-monotone C*-algebras
  13. Xiao Xiong - Pseudo-differential operators and Non Commutative Geometry
  14. Haonan Zhang - Bohnenblust–Hille inequalities for cyclic groups and applications to learning quantum observ-
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